Successful Weight Loss - When Losing Weight Isn't The Most Important Thing

Successful Weight Loss - When Losing Weight Isn't The Most Important Thing

The purpose of weight loss articles is usually on the obvious topic of shedding some pounds or kilos. But for many people it's not just about more dietary advice.
Many overweight people do eat well, and in spite of the judgement of strangers and even Doctors at times, they don't eat junk food, they exercise and many have a surprising level of cardio fitness.

There can be a variety of problems including PCOS and thyroid issues. But having understandable medical reasons doesn't make it any easier when the young sales assistant is rude or a stranger suggests you should go on a diet, or when you're having a bad day and the mirror just seems to mock you.
You face all the difficulties of anyone who is overweight, but without the options many do. But you feel the emotional pain. So this is the place to start, because it's how you feel on a day to day basis, how you feel when you think about your weight or the stress you experience when you are judged by others.
Some people come to terms with their situation but more often than not most just suffer. The purpose of this article is to give you some hope that you can release the stress you carry and quite possibly lose weight in the process.
This may sound odd but your diagnosis may not be a sentence of obesity for life. I'm sure you have heard cases of seemingly infertile couples fall pregnant after they give up and relax. Or you have surely experienced not being able to recall a name, only to remember it later when the pressure is off.
The goal here is that through you harnessing the power of your mind, through hypnosis, you can release much of the stress in your life, gain a new acceptance of yourself and therefore lower your stress levels.
The result is lower stress hormones in your system, improved sleep, more energy and highly likely, weight loss in spite of your diagnosis.
Until your medical issues are resolved there may be a limit as to how much weight you can lose or how fast, but there is no doubt that with hypnosis you can feel so much better about yourself and then see what happens with your weight.
Don't give up when a diagnosis is made and statements are issued such as; this problem will make weight loss very difficult, or that you will continue to gain weight. It is critical that you don't take this information to heart and it becomes a self full filling prophecy.
and now if you would like to discover the missing key to weight loss Ian Newton invites you to go to
Keep healthy and happy
Ian Newton