7 Easy Changes to Lose Weight

7 Easy Changes to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight you don't have to go on some highly restrictive diet regimen to knock off the pounds. You don't need to exercise until you fall down from exhaustion, and you don't need to live on celery sticks and water. You can actually lose weight by just making a few small changes in your everyday life.

Change Your Plate Size
It's a proven fact that if you use a smaller plate instead of a regular dinner plate to eat off of you will lose weight. This is because when you use a smaller plate to eat your meals, you trick your mind into thinking you're eating more because the plate is full when in actuality you're just eating a smaller portion. You will be surprised to find that after doing this a few times, you will be satisfied with the smaller portion that you are eating.
Park Farther Away
When you're going grocery shopping, to work, or anywhere else, park your car toward the back of the lot so you have to walk a further distance to reach your destination. You will burn calories, get a little bit of exercise to get your blood pumping, and lose weight as a result. Obviously, you won't see a lot of weight loss from this method, but combining it with other methods will help to shed those pounds.
Place Fruits in Plain Sight
Instead of buying fruit and shoving it to the back of your fridge, pull the fruits to the front so they're the first thing you see when you open the fridge looking for a snack. You can also place a fruit bowl on your kitchen counter or table filled with bananas, apples, pears, and other fruits where you will see them and be more inclined to grab one for a snack.
Never Skip Breakfast
Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling famished at lunch time causing you to overeat or snack all day. Eating breakfast, even if it's just a banana and a small cup of yogurt, can leave you feeling energized and will keep your metabolism going so you don't become sluggish-feeling and tired halfway through the day.
Drink Lots of Water
You need water to stay hydrated, but drinking water throughout the day can actually stave off hunger. The recommended amount of water you should drink daily is six to eight 8-ounce glasses. If you don't think you can drink that much water, do your best to drink as much as you can.
Increase Your Protein
Eating more protein-rich foods will help to keep you feeling full longer so you will eat less throughout the day. Snacking on nuts, eating an egg for breakfast, lean meats and poultry for lunch or dinner are excellent ways to sneak in some extra protein to keep you energized, feeling full, and eating less.
Take Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is a diet supplement that will help you lose weight. It has the ability to suppress your appetite so you won't feel so hungry all the time and it blocks fat from being stored in your body. It burns the fat that is already stored in your body first and then proceeds to burn new fats before they have a chance to build up in your body. It has many other health benefits as well.
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